Saturday, 21 April 2012

microsoft excel menu wise notes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   microsoft excel 97-2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Save As Web Page (File menu)

TO Saves the file in HTML format (a Web page), so that it can be viewed in a Web browser, and sets other options such as the Web page title and location where the file will be saved.
Save Workspace
Saves a list of the open workbooks, their sizes, and their positions on the screen to a workspace file so that the screen will look the same the next time you open the workspace file.
Finds files, Web pages, and Outlook items based on the search criteria you enter.
Web Page Preview
TO Allows you to preview the current file as a Web page in your browser .
Page Setup (File menu)
Sets margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout options for the active file.

Set Print Area
Defines the selected range as the print area, which is the only portion of the worksheet that will be printed.
Clear/Reset Print Area
Deletes the print area in the active sheet.

Print Preview (File menu)
Shows how a file will look when you print it.
Print (File menu)
Prints the active file or selected items. To select print options, on the File menu, click Print.
Mail Recipient
In Microsoft Excel, sends the contents of the current worksheet as the body of the e-mail message.
Mail Recipient For Review (File menu)
Sends the active document for review, creates a review request form, and enables and displays the reviewing tools when a reviewer receives the document. If the document is stored in a shared location, the e-mail message will contain a link to the file to be reviewed.
Mail Recipient (as Attachment)
Sends the entire document, presentation, or workbook as an attachment to an e-mail message.
Routing Recipient
TO Sends the active file to reviewers to change and add comments. To use routing, you and those you are sending the document to must have installed both the application in which the document was created and Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook or a compatible mail package.
Exchange Folder
Sends this file to the Microsoft Exchange Folder you specify.
Properties (File menu)
Displays the property sheet for the active file.


Paste Special (Edit menu)
TO Pastes, links, or embeds the Clipboard contents in the current file in the format you specify.
TO Copies the contents and formats of the topmost cells of a selected range into the cells below.
TO Copies the contents and formats of the leftmost cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the right. .
TO Copies the contents and formats of the bottom cell or cells of a selected range into the upper cells of the range.
TO Copies the contents and formats of the rightmost cell or cells of a selected range into the cells to the left.
Across Worksheets
TO Copies the contents of the range of cells selected on the active worksheet to the same range of cells on all the other selected sheets in a group.
TO Redistributes the text contents of cells to fill the selected range.

Clear All (Edit menu)
TORemoves all cell contents and formatting, including comments and hyperlinks, from selected cells.
TO Removes only the formatting from your selection; the content and comments are unchanged.
TO Removes the cell contents (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting cell formats or comments.
TO Removes only the comments attached to selected cells; cell contents and formats are unchanged.
To Removes the selected object. In Outlook, removes the selected item from the view and moves it to the Deleted Items folder.
Delete Sheet
To Deletes the selected sheets from the workbook. Through this command, we can delete the sheet permanently.
Go To (Edit menu)
In Microsoft Excel, scrolls through the worksheet and selects the cell, range, or cells with special characteristics you specify.


To Switches to normal view, which is the default view for most tasks in Microsoft Excel, such as entering data, filtering, charting, and formatting.

Page Break Preview
To Switches the active worksheet to page break preview, which is an editing view that displays your worksheet as it will print. In page break preview, you can move page breaks by dragging them left, right, up, or down.
Task Pane (View menu)
To Displays the task pane, an area where you can create new files, search for information, view the contents of the clipboard, and perform other tasks.
Toolbars (View menu)
To Displays or hides toolbars. To display a toolbar, select the check box next to the toolbar name.
Formula Bar
To Displays or hides the formula bar.
Ruler (View menu)
To Displays or hides the horizontal ruler, which you can use to position objects, change paragraph indents, page margins, and other spacing settings.
Status Bar
To Shows or hides the status bar.
Header and Footer (View menu)
To Adds or changes the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or slide.
Comments (View menu)
To put  a comment on the selected cell and put the any message.we can hihe and show the comment on the selected cell.
Custom Views
To Creates different views of a worksheet. A view provides an easy way to see your data with different display options. You can display, print, and store different views without saving them as separate sheets.
Full Screen (View menu)
To Hides most screen elements so that you can view more of your document. To switch back to your previous view, click  Full Screen or press ESC.
Zoom (View menu)
To Controls how large or small the current file appears on the screen.

Insert (menu)

Insert Cells
To Inserts cells starting at the insertion point. You can choose to shift other cells in the table to the right or down. You can also insert an entire row or column.

Insert Rows
To Inserts the number of cells, rows, or columns you select. In Word, this command is available only when you've selected one or more end-of-cell marks.
Insert Columns (Table command)
To Inserts the number of cells, rows, or columns you select. In Word, this command is available only when you've selected one or more end-of-cell marks.
To Inserts a new worksheet to the left of the selected sheet.
Chart Wizard
To Starts the Chart Wizard, which guides you through the steps for creating an embedded chart on a worksheet or modifying an existing chart.
Symbol (Insert menu)
To Inserts symbols and special characters from the fonts that are installed on your computer.
Page Break

To Inserts a page break above a selected cell. This command changes to Remove Page Break if you have a cell selected that is adjacent to a manually inserted page break.
Insert Function
To Displays a list of functions and their formats and allows you to set values for arguments.
To Creates a name for a cell, range, or constant or computed value that you can use to refer to the cell, range, or value.
To Inserts the selected name into the formula bar. If the formula bar is active and you begin a formula by typing an equal sign (=), clicking Paste pastes the selected name at the insertion point. If the formula bar is not active, double-clicking a name in the Paste Name box pastes an equal sign (=) followed by the selected name into the formula bar.
 TO Creates names by using labels in a selected range.

Inserts a comment at the insertion point.
Clip Art
TO Opens the Clip Gallery where you can select the clip art image you want to insert in your file or update your clip art collection.
Picture (Insert menu)
From File
TO Inserts an existing picture in the active file at the insertion point.
From Scanner or Camera
TO Loads an image by using a scanner or digital camera and then inserts the resulting picture at the insertion point.

Picture Organization Chart (Insert menu)
TOInserts a Microsoft Organization Chart object into your presentation, document, or worksheet.
AutoShapes Menu
TO Displays the AutoShape categories you can insert. Click an AutoShape category, click the AutoShape you want, and then click or drag in the active window where you want to insert the AutoShape.
Insert WordArt
TO Creates text effects by inserting a Microsoft Office drawing object.
Insert Diagram
TO Creates an organization chart or a cycle, radial, pyramid, Venn, or target diagram in your document.
Object (Insert menu)
TO Inserts an object ¾ such as a drawing, WordArt text effect, or an equation ¾ at the insertion point.
TO Inserts a new hyperlink or edits the selected hyperlink.


TO  applies formats to the selected cells. This command might not available if the sheet is protected.
TO Changes the height of the selected rows. You need to select only one cell in a row to change the height for the entire row.
TO Adjusts the row height to the minimum necessary to display the height of the tallest cell in the selection. If you change the cell contents later, you must fit the selection again.
TO Hides the selected rows or columns.
TO Displays rows or columns in the current selection that were previously hidden.

TO Changes the width of the selected columns. You need to select only one cell in a column to change the width for the entire column.
AutoFit Selection
 TO Adjusts the column width to the minimum necessary to display the contents of the selected cells.
TO Hides the selected rows or columns. Hiding rows or columns does not delete them from the worksheet.
 TO Displays rows or columns in the current selection that were previously hidden.
Standard Width
TO Changes the standard width of columns on a worksheet.
TO Renames the active sheet.
TO Hides the active sheet. The sheet remains open and accessible to other sheets, but it is not visible.
TO Displays any hidden sheets.
TO Inserts a tiled graphic image in the worksheet background, based on the bitmap you select.


AutoFormat (Format menu)
 To Applies a built-in combination of formats, called an autoformat, to a cell range or a PivotTable report. If a single cell is selected, Microsoft Excel automatically selects the range surrounded by blank cells and applies the autoformat to that range.
Conditional Formatting
To Applies formats to selected cells that meet specific criteria based on values or formulas you specify.

Style (Format menu)
To Defines or applies to the selection a combination of formats, called a style.
Spelling (Tools menu)
To Checks spelling in the active document, file, workbook, or item.
Speech (Tools menu)
To Sets up and customizes speech recognition for dictating text, as well as selecting menu, toolbar, and dialog box items.
Show Text To Speech Toolbar
To Displays or removes the Speak On Enter, Stop Speaking, By Rows, By Columns, and Speak On Enter buttons.
Shared Workbooks
To Switches to shared workbook mode, which allows you and other users on your network to edit and save changes to the same workbook.
Highlight Changes
To Highlights changes to cell contents in a shared workbook, including moved and pasted contents and inserted and deleted rows and columns.
Track Changes Accept or Reject Changes (Tools menu)
To Finds and selects each tracked change in a document so that you can review, accept, or reject the change.
Protect Sheet
To Prevents changes to cells on worksheets, items in a chart, graphic objects on a worksheet or chart sheet, or code in a Visual Basic Editor form.
Allow Users To Edit Ranges
To Allows you to designate users, computers or groups who may make changes to the specified cells without entering a password. 
Protect Workbook
To Protects a workbook's structure and windows. You can prevent changes to the structure of a workbook so that sheets can't be deleted, moved, hidden, unhidden, or renamed, and new sheets can't be inserted.
Protect for Sharing
To Protects the sharing and change history tracking in a shared workbook so the features can't be turned off. If you select this check box and click OK when the workbook isn't a shared workbook, you're asked if you want to save it as a shared workbook.
Meet Now( on line meeting)
To Starts an impromptu online meeting by sending an invitation to participants. The participants you invite to the meeting must be running Microsoft NetMeeting on their computers.
Schedule Meeting
To Schedules an online meeting by using names from the address book of your e-mail program and checks the availability of the meeting participants.
Web Discussions
To Displays the Discussions toolbar, where you can insert a new discussion about the file or perform other discussion tasks.
Goal Seek
To Adjusts the value in a specified cell until a formula that is dependent on that cell reaches a target value.
To Creates and saves scenarios, which are sets of data you can use to view the results of what-if analyses.
Trace Precedents(formula)
To Draws tracer arrows from the cells that supply values directly to the formula in the active cell (precedents). To trace the cells that supply values indirectly to the formula in the active cell, click the Trace Precedents button again.
 Tools on the Web (Tools menu)
Connects you to Microsoft Office Tools on the Web for information about integrated eServices that are available.
Opens the Macros dialog box, where you can run, edit, or delete a macro. Use Record New Macro     to record a series of actions as a macro, or click Visual Basic Editor to write a macro.
Record New Macro
To Records a series of actions as a macro that you can later "play back."
To Specifies which add-ins are automatically available when you start Microsoft Office. You can load or unload add-ins that come with Microsoft Office as well as add-in programs that you create.
AutoCorrect Options (Tools menu)
To Sets the options used to correct text automatically as you type, or to store and reuse text and other items you use frequently.
To Customizes toolbar buttons, menu commands, and shortcut key assignments.
Options (Tools menu)
To Modifies settings for Microsoft Office programs such as screen appearance, printing, editing, spelling, and other options.

DATA (menu)
To Arranges the information in selected rows or lists alphabetically, numerically, or by date.
To The quickest way to select only those items you want to display in a list.

Advanced Filter
To Filters data in a list so that only the rows that meet a condition you specify by using a criteria range are displayed.
Show All
To Displays all of the rows in a filtered list.
To Displays a data form in a dialog box. You can use the data form to see, change, add, delete, and find records in a list or database.
To Calculates subtotal and grand total values for the labeled columns you select.
To Defines what data is valid for individual cells or cell ranges; restricts the data entry to a particular type, such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, or text; and sets limits on the valid entries.
To Creates a data table based on input values and formulas you define. Data tables can be used to show the results of changing values in your formulas.
Convert Text to Table
To Converts the selected text to a table.
To Summarizes the data from one or more source areas and displays it in a table.
Hide Detail
 In a PivotTable or PivotChart report, hides displayed detail data.
On an outlined worksheet, hides the detail rows or columns of a selected summary row or column.
PivotTable and PivotChart Report
To Starts the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, which guides you through creating or modifying a PivotTable or PivotChart report.
New Window (Window menu)
To Opens a new window with the same contents as the active window so you can view different parts of a file at the same time.
Arrange (Window menu)
To Displays all open files in separate windows on the screen. The Arrange command makes it easier to drag between files.
To Hides the active workbook window. A hidden window remains open.
To Displays hidden workbook windows.
Split (Window menu)
To Splits the active window into panes, or removes the split from the active window.
Freeze Panes
Freezes the top pane, the left pane, or both on the active worksheet. Use the Freeze Panes button to keep column or row titles in view while you're scrolling through a worksheet. Freezing titles on a worksheet does not affect printing.
Show or hide the Office Assistant
To Displays or removes the Office Assistant from view.

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