Saturday, 21 April 2012

ms powerpoint notes and class notes with menu wise notes

ms powerpoint
Pack and Go (File menu)
To Starts the Pack and Go Wizard, which helps you pack up a presentation so that you can run it on another computer. If you make changes to your presentation after you use the wizard, run the Pack And Go Wizard again so that you can update the information.
Web Page Preview
To Allows you to preview the current file as a Web page in your browser so that you can see how it will look before publishing it.
Page Setup (File menu)
To Sets margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout options for the active file.
Print Preview (File menu)
To Shows how a file will look when you print it.
Print (File menu)
To Prints the active file or selected items. To select print options, on the File menu, click Print.
Properties (File menu)
To Displays the property sheet for the active file.
Exit (File menu)
To Close this program after prompting you to save any unsaved files.

Edit (menu)
Duplicate (Edit menu)
To Makes  quick copy of a selected object. To make additional copies of the same object, click Duplicate Again (Edit menu).
Delete Slide (Edit menu)
To Deletes the current slide in notes view. Deletes the selected slides in slide sorter or normal view.
Normal (View menu)
To Switches to normal view, where you can work on one slide at a time or organize the structure of all the slides in your presentation.
Slide Sorter (View menu)
To Displays miniature versions of all slides in a presentation, complete with text and graphics. In slide sorter view, you can reorder slides, add transitions and animation effects, and set the timings for electronic slide shows.
Slide Sorter (View menu)
 To Displays miniature versions of all slides in a presentation, complete with text and graphics. In slide sorter view, you can reorder slides, add transitions and animation effects, and set the timings for electronic slide shows.

Notes Page (View menu)
To Displays the notes page for the selected slide, where you can create speaker notes for the slide.
To Shows the presentation in color.
Shows the presentation in black and white. The appearance of objects on your slide depend on the options you select on the Grayscale View shortcut menu under Setting.
Pure Black and White
To Shows most objects in the presentation in either black or white.
Task Pane (View menu)
To Displays the task pane, an area where you can create new files, search for information, view the contents of the clipboard, and perform other tasks.
Toolbars (View menu)
To Displays or hides toolbars. To display a toolbar, select the check box next to the toolbar name.
Grid (Draw menu)
To Sets the snap-to-grid options that you can use to easily align drawing objects.
Header and Footer (View menu)
To Adds or changes the text that appears at the top and bottom of every page or slide.
Markup (View menu)
To Displays or hides comments and tracked changes such as insertions, deletions, and formatting changes.
Zoom (View menu)
To Controls how large or small the current file appears on the screen.
New Slide (Insert menu)
To insert a new slide where you click.
Duplicate Slide
To Inserts a copy of the current slide after the current slide.
Slide Number (Insert menu)
Adds the slide number to an individual slide. If you want to add the slide number to every slide, use the Header and Footer command (View menu).
Date and Time (Insert menu)
To Adds the date and time to an individual slide using the format you choose. If you want to add the date and time to every slide, use the Header and Footer command (View menu).

Symbol (Insert menu)
To Inserts symbols and special characters from the fonts that are installed on your computer.
To Inserts a comment at the insertion point.
Slides from File (Insert menu)
To Inserts slides from another presentation into the current presentation.
Slides from Outline (Insert menu)
To Creates slides for all first-level headings in an imported outline and adds the body text as indent levels. All text that is level 6 and below is treated as level 5 text. The format for the title and text comes from the slide master in the current presentation.
To Creates a chart by inserting a Microsoft Graph object.
To Inserts a new Microsoft Word table on the active slide.
To Inserts a new hyperlink or edits the selected hyperlink.
Font (Format menu)
To Changes the font and character spacing formats of the selected text.
Bullets and Numbering (Format menu)
To Adds bullets or numbers to selected paragraphs and modifies the bullets and numbering format.
Align Left (Formatting toolbar)
To Aligns the selected text, numbers, or inline objects to the left with a ragged right edge.
Center (Formatting toolbar)
To Centers the selected text, numbers, or inline objects.
Align Right (Formatting toolbar)
To Aligns the selected text, numbers, or inline objects to the right with a ragged left edge.
Justify (Formatting toolbar)
In Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint, aligns the selected paragraphs to both the left and right margins or indents.
Line Spacing (Format menu)
To Sets the amount of space between selected lines of text.
Replace Fonts (Format menu)
To Replaces an existing font in your presentation with another one.
Slide Design
ToDisplay the Slide Design task pane, where you can select design templates, color schemes, and animation schemes.
Slide Layout (Format menu)
To Changes the layout of the selected slide or reapplies the current master styles to the placeholders if you've modified their attributes.
To Sets a background color, texture, pattern, or image.
Object (Format menu)
ToFormats the line, color, fill and pattern, size, position, and other properties of the selected object.
Spelling (Tools menu)
ToChecks spelling in the active document, file, workbook, or item.
Set Language (Tools menu)
Designates the language of selected text in a file that contains more than one language. The spelling checker automatically uses the dictionary for the designated language.
Speech (Tools menu)
To Sets up and customizes speech recognition for dictating text, as well as selecting menu, toolbar, and dialog box items.
Meet Now
To Starts an impromptu online meeting by sending an invitation to participants. The participants you invite to the meeting must be running Microsoft NetMeeting on their computers.

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